December news

What a year it has been!  No-one is clear about recent past/present or future trends as the market is yet to stabilise post-Covid.  We have had the desperate VFR market, followed by the ‘Revenge spenders’ almost as desperate to travel again and now it looks like we are in the ‘normal’ times again but flight prices, flight availability and UK/EU economy issues are still muddying the waters.  No agents are able to show what the sales ‘base’ should be to help predict forward trends with many still comparing stats to 2019 as the last ‘stable platform’.  The only trend at present seems to be that everything is unpredictable.

What does still work and has had a great response from all the agents that I have seen at the various events attended is getting in front of people to reassure them of the value and quality of New Zealand/Australia and the products there. 


January news


November news