October news

Travel seems to be back with a bang as we have campaigns running with Tourism New Zealand and Tourism Australia.  There are also events coming up; WTM in London in early November and Australian Marketplace in mid-Nov.  Both look to be very well attended so it will be great to see some faces from Scandinavia and Europe over in the UK for a catch up.  Very positive that this is all happening again.

Tourism New Zealand campaign is ‘If You Seek’ which really gets into the NZ culture and reasons for visiting: https://www.newzealand.com/au/campaign/ifyouseek/

Tourism New Zealand are also running two fam trips in November for UK/EU agents.  One is for product managers which has 6 staff and 2 hosts from TNZ UK and another for front-line sales staff with 10 staff going.  I am obviously jealous

There are also the New Zealand tourism awards coming up this month including Altitude Tours as finalists https://www.nztourismawards.org.nz/2022-finalists.  Tourism NZ will also be running a fam trip to NZ for product managers and front-line staff from UK/DE in November.

Tourism Australia have kicked off their new G’Day campaign. It was a great launch party/night and the campaign looks great https://www.australia.com/en-gb

Tourism Australia have their Marketplace coming up which I will be attending and again looking forward to seeing some people I have not seen for too long. https://events.tourism.australia.com/amukeurope22/


November news


September news