November news
Everything is starting to come back together again seems to be the news for this month. And I have had my #3 booster jab, so I feel bulletproof.
Great to see Virgin and British Airways joining together to promote the USA being open for business from the UK this week
Thailand is open now and Fiji is due to open next week. Australia and New Zealand remain closed for tourism, but both are likely to open early in 2022. No dates have been set, just speculation so far
Tourism Australia held an update on Nov 3rd which was very positive as demand for Australia remains very high. PowerPoint of the presentation is available from Tourism Australia.
Vaccination stats are at about 70% for all UK/EU countries with Canada/USA very similar. Even New Zealand and Australia are around the 70% mark as well. Once we remove the under 18’s from this stat it leaves everywhere well over 80%. UK has begun 3rd booster jabs for adults and standard jabs for 13+. High infection levels are predominantly in schools now.
WTM – World Travel Market in London at the start of November had good attendance both physically and on-line, not up to the levels of previous years but a great indicator that we are heading back to a new ‘normal’.
I attended WTM and went to the Tourism Australia update, both of which were great to catch up with all the awesome people in our travel industry. Lots of positive news out there with many agents re-employing staff that had previously been made redundant, phones are ringing, and bookings are coming in.
Be ready for the start of the 2022 travel boom! or phone +44 77699 71217
Keith Marsh
Tailor Made Representation – Helping you connect.