March news
PATA Exchange this month was a great catch up with 50+ agents from all over the UK. This was followed by the Tourism Australia update on 23rd March which included a very in-depth summary of the market. This was clearly aimed at Australia, but it is just as relevant for New Zealand.
Arrival figures have been at 50% of 2019 levels until September when they increased to 75% and have been very slowly climbing since then. We are now at 80% of 2019 levels which is very good considering seat capacity is only at 90% of 2019 levels. The downside is that VFR accounts for close to 70% of these arrivals which is up from pre-pandemic levels of just under 50%.
Internet searches for flights to NZ/Australia are above pre-pandemic levels so demand is clearly back, and further surveys have shown that customers are ready to indulge a bit more and “seize the day” a bit more.
Agencies are still low on staff numbers, but most are now at close to 80% of pre-pandemic levels.
Next month is all about the build up to TRENZ and ATE, these are going to be huge as agents finally have (nearly) full product teams and they will be putting together fresh itineraries, brochures, websites as present ones are rehashed versions of the 2019 offerings.