August news

Australian and New Zealand Tourism has continued to gain momentum with consumer and trade events taking place this month.  There has been lots of follow-up from Kiwi-link UK for everyone that took part and also chasing up those that didn’t attend.  Recruitment is still going at a huge pace as all agents try to rebuild staff levels and quality.

It has also been school holidays in Europe so many staff have been away from already depleted offices and teams so most agencies are behind on projects and sales.  The main target for nearly all long-haul agents is to get their brochures updated as most are running with 2019 brochures with many products no longer available and out of date rates for those that are still operating.  Now is definitely the time to get products in front of product managers, this has very much been my focus this month. 

Tourism Australia and Tourism New Zealand are both very busy pushing their brand advertising with TNZ launching ‘If You Seek’ and TA pushing ‘Don’t go small – Go Australia’

World Travel Market has sent out dates and registration for their event from 7th to 9th November in London.  There is also the PATA Xmas lunch on 8th December and Global Travel Marketplace on 27th September.  I will be attending all of these events as it is great to get out and see everyone again.


September news


July news