June news
This month has seen amazing weather in the UK/Scandi and Europe so maybe holidays have taken a bit of a drop in many peoples plans. We are also battling high inflation, high interest rates and brutal energy costs. But it is not all bad news, demand for Australia and New Zealand is still very high and companies are building up travel agent and hospitality staff to meet this demand. We are still in a situation where demand is outstripping supply which brings higher prices and lower quality of product/service, but the gap is getting narrower all the time.
I have been over to Europe and around the UK this month and all the agents I spoke to were happy and keen to deliver good service to their customers. All agencies were looking for more staff, more training and more to sell so a very positive feel out there.
Tourism Australia Summer BBQ at Lords cricket ground was a great event and again the turnout was both large and positive. There was also the Tourism Australia Travel Gossip training event in Leeds which was attended by over 50 agents from around the region.